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Zoes POV

It has been a week since the funeral and things have been getting better.

Connor and I have gone back to fighting with each other but Megan and Brad have been very distant.

He has been confiding in me all week when he is upset and hasn't left my side all week.

I am currently in a taxi coming home from meeting up with my friend Emily from school.

I can feel the effects of the alcohol Emily persuaded me to have with her because things are all fuzzy and I feel a small bit off balance.

I struggled to put my key in the door of the house, but I got there in the end.

I entered the kitchen to see a shirtless Brad hunched over the breakfast, with a half bottle of whiskey beside him.

Oh, no!

I go over to help him to bring him to bed but he wasn't having it.

"Come on, get up!" I said. He looked at me and gave me a sly smile.

I laughed at him "Come on and Ill bring you to bed" I said.

He nodded and I nearly had to pull him up the stairs. I opened his bedroom door and Megan's clothes were lying across the bed.

I placed them nicely on a chair and fixed the pillows for Brad. I was about to leave when I felt his grab my wrist.

"Stay, with me" he pleaded looking deep into my eyes. He looked so lost, I felt so sorry for him.

I put my bag down on the dresser "what do you want to talk about?" I asked as helpful as I could.

"I've lost everything haven't I" he stated.

I sat beside him on the bed and put a comforting arm over his shoulder, leaning my head on his other shoulder.

"You'll always have me Brad" I said kindly.

He moved so he was looking at me "Promise?" he whispered and started to lean in.

"Promise" I whispered back and leaned in too. Things escalated pretty fast from there to the point where Brad was over me, and my jacket and shoes where scattered on the floor.

Things were interrupted by something smashing against the wall.

I looked towards the door, and what I saw would haunt me forever.

Megan stood there with tears in her eyes and she was breathing very heavily.

"GUYS!" she yelled.

"No, Megan, stop, I- I mean we can explain" I tried to say but it was too late everybody was already outside the door.

"You are a bitch Zoe an absolute bitch, I cant believe you would do this to me" Megan roared.

"Now, Megan-" Brad started but was interrupted my Megan screaming and being held back by Connor.

Megan soon gave up and walked away. I pushed Brad off of me and tried to get threw the door but was blocked by April "Not now Zoe, definitely not now" she said.

"Ugh, I need to go after her" I said exasperated.


Megans POV

If she thinks she is going to get away with this she has another thing coming.

All I could see was red and before I knew what I was doing I was knocking at the door of a house that I know Zoe will wish I never did.

"Hello, Ms.Anderson but Ms. O'Shea isn't here today" McVey said and was about to close the door but I put my foot in the way.

"Hah, Zoe isn't here because she's in bed with my boyfriend" I stated very unamused despite my laughing.

"That is none of my business" he tried to brush it off.

"I'm not stupid, I know you like her" I said bluntly. He looked completely shocked and motioned for me to enter and that I did.

Illegal Happiness (James McVey)Where stories live. Discover now