The Date

376 8 8

Zoe's POV

As we pulled up to a location, unknown by me, I stole a glance at what The Little-, I mean James was wearing.

He was wearing a simple black suit, with a white shirt and a grey waistcoat. He is dressed so formal.

"Where are we?"I asked when the engine stopped. I looked around and saw we were somewhere in the country side, I have driven these roads many times before but the little cottage never caught my eye until now.

He looked at me with a smirk "its a place I come to, when it all gets too much" he said simply.

He opened my door for me and motioned for me too walk ahead, Megan's theory about why boys leave girls walk ahead replays in my mind, and I laugh quietly to myself. He places his hand on the small of my back and I turn and see his eyes looking down, I then found myself laughing out loud to myself.

"What's amusing you?" James asked with a look of confusion. I shook my head "its a girl thing" I explained as I would be too embarrassed to explain exactly what I was laughing at, but I couldn't help think that Megan is always right.

He opened the front door to the cottage and what I saw took my breath away.

There was a small room, painted in a cold cream colour, there was a roaring fire burning already, he must have been hear earlier, there was a small table for two in the middle of the room, with two empty plates at either side. There was a candle, not one of those traditional, skinny, church like candles, it was a big, round one, that had a beautiful smell going around the room.

There was a small, sofa at the opposite side of the room and there was a tiny coffee table, pulled to the side.

"Its not much, but-" James started but I hugged him to shut him up. "This is so beautiful, so calm and homey" I said before pulling away.

He took off his tie and jacket, thank God! He looked way to formal and I felt a small bit out of place.

"You really think so?" he asked with a nervous edge to his voice, I nodded "I really do" I said with a small smile.

He gestured with his hand for me to come forward to him, for some reason, I felt obliged to do so. He put his hand on the small of my back again, as if making sure I don't run away, and guided me towards the table.

He pulled out my chair and pushed it back in. "Thank you" I said politely. "Your welcome, give me two seconds and I'll be right back" he said, disappearing through a door to the side.

This is so amazing, I left myself think to when I got so lucky, for me this all happened so fast, even if others think different. I have never been lucky when it comes to relationships, so believe it or not I'm not really planning on this, what ever this is, to last long anyway.

I was completely lost in thought I didn't even realised a plate off food being layed in front of me. I jumped when I felt James pressed against my back and my breath got a bit jagged.

I felt him lean in close to my ear, and that made my stomach flip and my breath to catch in my throat.

"Breath, O'Shea" he whispered and I could feel the smirk grow on his face. When he pulled away my breathing began to even and he sat and the opposite side of the small table.

"This is delicious James" I told him when I was halfway through my plate. "Thank you, I thought you might have liked it" he said proudly, wait he...cooked?

"You cooked this?" I voiced my astonishment, he gave a small smile and a shake of his head "I can cook you know, I'm more than a pretty face" he joked and I laughed.

When we were finished he put away the plates and poured out a glass of wine for himself and was about to fill the other glass when he stopped and looked up awkwardly "you can drink this, yeah?" he stated and asked all at the same time. I rolled my eyes at his and nodded my head. He sighed, in what almost sounded like relief. He took both glasses in one hand and reached out his hand towards me, I look it and he walked me to the soda.

It was so comfortable. "Tell me more about you O'Shea" he said crossing his legs and taking a sip of wine, so I did the same. "There's not a lot to know about me, except I like to be called by my first name" I said smirking at him.

"I don't have to" he protested like a stubborn child. "Now, go on start off with your childhood" he said, as if it were that easy.

"I didn't really have one" I admitted in one go, he cocked his head to the side and gave me a sympathetic smile. "Sorry" he said.

"What about you?" I asked changing the subject, and he went on to tell me all about his family life, his dream he had to become a teacher, the sports he played, the area he used to live in, about girls who were obsessed about, he's dream to travel the world, he would preferably like to visits Rome or Mexico and he was in the middle of telling me about his relatives in Ireland.

"So, that's how you knew I was part Irish" i said smiling in amusement at him, he nodded his head "My cousins best friend Lucy O'Neill moved here only like, wait how long ago was it" he looked as though he was doing the maths in his head but he didn't need too.

"Seven years ago" I said trying not to give anything away, my heart was pounding and my hands were sweating at the mention of her name coming from James lips.

"Yeah, how did you know?" he asked, confused as hell.

"She's my Aunt"

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