Like Bitch Wha!...

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Megans POV 

Zoe and her new friend Michael are gone to that lunch detention thing with McVey,  and April, Brad and I were in the Lunch hall.

I looked over at April and she looked very distant. "Ill be back in two seconds" I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey April" I said with a smile and sat down beside her. "Oh, hey Meg" replied April with a small smile.

"How are you?" I asked. She hesitated and said "Yeah im good" I chuckled "your not a good liar April"

She frowned and said "I know"

"So what happened?" I asked. "Meg, I dont know if I can tell you" April said with small tears in her eyes. I put my hand on hers "you can tell me anything April" she looked at me with a smile "Um, Okay"

Aprils POV

It was the last day of school before the summer holidays, I'm so excited because today is the party at my boyfriends house.

I cant invite my friends because its at the other side of town and he goes to a different school.

Michael was tall, blonde and gorgeous. No other explanations needed. He was a bit of a player, I guess, but he was a nice player.

If that even makes sense.

He was like your stereotypical jock or player he was nice, kind and caring.

At least that's what  I thought. When I arrived at the party everyone was already half drunk and all grinding on each other, I met Michael and gave him a kiss on the cheek and we went to the kitchen.

I just poured a cup of orange, I don't drink you see, I put my cup down and turned to talk to Michael "How was school, love?" he asked. I smiled "It was fun the girls had a great time" I said "That's good" he said and passed me my drink.

I took a sip out of it and it taste funny but I didn't mind, I just drank it all down. My head was a little fuzzy but I just brushed it off...there is a lot of people in here.

Michael handed me another drink and I took it "Whats in it" I asked "Orange love, sure you don't drink" he replied.

After a half an hour I started getting a little dizzy and hyper. "Wanna do something?" asked Michael from behind me. I nodded at him laughing. After that everything went black.

I woke up in a room that wasn't my own with no one with me. Where the hell am I? A familiar smell was in the room and I knew it was Michaels. I looked around and saw a note on the dresser.


  You know where the front door     is, don't stay in bed all day, Goodbye. Oh yeah were over by the way "

I was so confused, but I got up and got dressed, and I realised what was happening, I was just used by my boyfriend that's been with me for a year...

I can feel the tears starting to fall, and I cant stop them. I just leave his house and the love of my life behind me.

Megans POV

After hearing Aprils story, and watching the tears fall from her eyes there's one though in my mind...He.Is.Dead.

Illegal Happiness (James McVey)Where stories live. Discover now