Plan In Action...

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Zoes POV

Mr.McVey has been the only teacher in my whole school life that I hated. He's mean, arrogant,  big headed, mannerless and just a pain in my ass!

Michael and I have finished singing and are now sitting down at the back row, waiting for this douche to start teaching.

In my head, I'm thinking of many ways in which I can make him angry, I have an idea, but it involves Michael.

"Do you hate this excuse, as much as me?" I whispered to Michael. He nodded his head wide eyed. I told him my plan. " Its amazing but-" I cut him of "No, no buts"

Mr.McVey doesn't tolerate PDA in front of him oh, okay then.

Mr.McVey was going around the class telling each of us our assigned parts for our practical classes.

When he reached the table beside me, Michael grabbed my hand from under the table, and brought it to where McVey would see. 

He was now in front of us, with his eyes wide open "what did I say about that?" McVey said just so we could hear. "I'm sorry, Sir I cant recall you saying anything" I stated sarcastically.

Michael asked McVey could he go to the toilet and he nodded yes. Before Michael left the chair he gave me a kiss on the cheek and winked at me.

I shot one look at McVey and holy crap was he angry right now, I was smirking to myself and turned to Megan she was looking at me with wide eyes, but then she as the rest of the class started laughing.

"Quite!" McVey said loudly but not raising his voice. The whole class went so quite you could hear the traffic outside. I rolled me eyes at the authority this guy thinks he has.

The bell went signaling we could go "I would like Mr. Roberts and Ms. O'Shea to stay behind " he said, so Michael and I sat on the desks in front of his.

"Your behaviour in my class was highly inappropriate, therefore I shall see both of you at Lunch in this room" he said smirking.

This isn't a detention right?

He looked at me and saw the worry in my eye. "This isn't a detention, but trust me if ye step  out of line again it will be, do I make myself clear?" he asked

"Yes, Sir" we both said. "Good now you may go, I expect to see you both at lunch" he reminded us. We nodded. As soon as the door was closed we started laughing.

He put his arm around my shoulder in a friendly way "We make a good team O'Shea" I giggled at his use of my last name, "We do Roberts, we do" I laughed. We made our way to our next class, and then we have McVeys punishment thingy.

Illegal Happiness (James McVey)Where stories live. Discover now