Unexpected Arrivals...

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Aprils POV

When we arrived at school, I got out of Zoes car, and Connor was standing at least 5ft away from Zoe, but to be honest so would I because she's bloody scary. I feel sorry for Mr.McVey because he unfortunately got onto the hate list of Zoe, as Meg would say,God Friggin' help him.

When we were going through the doors of the main entrance of the school I saw someone I hoped Id never see again but luck wasn't on my side, he was me and was now making his way over.

Head up April, he's the fool, not you, head up I said!.

So that's what I did."Hey, April hows it going" I just rose my eyebrow at him. He got the message. Thank God.

When he looked at Zoe hes eyes went soft and he shook her hand and kissed the back of it  saying "Hello, and can I know the pretty girls name" he asked. Zoe just laughed and said "My name is Zoe O'Shea" he seemed to be very interested in her and then he said what I knew he'd say.

"Such a pretty name, to match a pretty girl, well, my name is Michael Roberts" He winked at her.

I know this act like the back of my hand, sure I would, it worked on me once upon a time when I was at the receiving end of them complements, yes, Michael was my ex-boyfriend who I thought Id never see again, and now he's flirting with my best friend.

I'm not jealous no, I'm well over him, I'm angry, that he'd flirt with someone so close to me after what he did to me!

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