Second Thoughts

371 12 13

James POV

I woke up to find Zoe was back in bed beside me, I got up during the night to find she had left along with her phone and my hoodie. I was a small bit worried as to why she would just leave in the middle of the night and was slightly tempted to go out and find her but I suppose she is able to mind herself at this stage.

I turned my head to look at her and something about her didn't look right, normally when she is asleep she looks so calm and peaceful but not now, her brows were furrowed as if she was having a bad dream and she had her fist holding some of the duvet tightly. I want to wake her, but she needs sleep as she barely gets enough.

I slipped out of bed and put on the right dressing gown and went to the kitchen to make a cup of tea and a slice of toast. I was just finished my tea when I heard footsteps upstairs. I decided to put on a cup of tea for Zoe because she likes tea in the mornings.

She came walking into the kitchen with her hair in a messy bun, eyeliner smudged under her eyes and her dark purple dressing gown hanging off of one shoulder not even tied right at the waist.

She was yawning and stretching at the fridge. She pulled out a bottle of juice.

"I have tea on for you there" I told her smiling, without turning around she put the juice back and came closer to me. She was squinting against the sun and rubbed her eyes. Zoe rested her forehead on my chest and mumbled a "thank you" into my chest.

I fixed her dressing gown at the shoulders and then went to fix her tie around her waist.

"You better be fixing that and not trying to undress me" Zoe joked, as she spoke towards my chest I could feel the vibration of her voice go through me.

"So what if I was?" I retorted but fixing her tie, making a bow in the fluffy fabric. She looked up at me and gave me a beautiful smile and a kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning by the way" she laughed while finishing off her tea, I just remembered that I have school today, I mean we have school today.

I went upstairs and randomly grabbed a pair of jeans and a fitted dark purple button down shirt. I pulled my black converse out from under Zoe's side of the bed and slipped them on.

Returning downstairs I saw that Zoe was sitting at the kitchen table with both hands wrapped around her tea in front of her while her head rested on the table.

I softly shook her shoulder and her head shot up, she was mumbling "I'm up, I'm up" I laughed at her and when she opened her eyes I stopped laughing.

Why is she so tired all the time?

"Oh God, please don't tell me its a school day" Zoe pleaded with a look of utter defeat on her face. I took her empty mug from her and nodded bringing it too the sink where the dishes were all ready to be washed but I'll do that after school with Zoe.

"Yeah, quickly put on your uniform otherwise we shall both be late" I warned her but when I turned around she was already gone. I rolled my eyes at how she can ignore me the best if times.

I sat at the table and waited five minutes before Zoe returned looking much better and more awake.

"Now" she said clapping her hands together "off to school it is, but you'll have to bring me today, I left my car at the school last night remember?" she stated more so than asked but I nodded anyway.

"Yeah, I remember but you're not driving my car and too be safe you'll get out just around the corner from school is that okay?" I asked not wanting to make it sound mean but she understood whole heartedly. Before leaving the house I kissed Zoe on the cheek and she smiled at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2015 ⏰

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