The Piano Lesson...

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James POV

Why am I so god damn nervous, its only a student.

Yeah, only a student who you tried to get jealous today in front of your whole class!

Yes, I have resulted to talking to myself, great!

I looked at my watch to see it was 5:25 and I could hear footsteps coming down the hall.

Okay James breath. I seem to forget how to do that when she's around.

I heard a knock on the door and casually said 'Come in'

I was searching for paper work when I heard the door close. Found it!

I turned around to see her standing up by the wall, with one leg balanced on the wall and one hand on her hip.

That right there is an amazing picture. Mentally capturing it, I let myself stare forgetting it was my student.

She noticed because as my eyes travelled down her, she crouched down, looked into my eyes and whispered "My eyes aren't down here" and...wait...did I just see her wink at me, no it was my imagination.

"Okay, can you fill out the sheet" I said, laying it on the table and turning around. She's only wearing a shirt and Im only a friggen man.

That Stephanie one is a nasty piece of work, I only chose her for my experiment because she was the first girl that I saw after I came up with my plan. I regret it one hundred percent.

My thoughts were interrupted by a scale. "What" I said out loud by accident.

"You wouldn't answer me so I decided to warm up, Sir" she replied.

"Please in practice or when its just the two of us its James, Mr.McVey is my father" I said irritability.

"Um, okay Si- James" she said awkwardly.

I pulled up a stool and sat beside her.

"You can start your song now, make sure to add in everything, Ms.O'Shea" I said.

"Could you drop the second name too?"she asked looking hopeful.

"Maybe, now begin" I said.

(play video here)

To be honest she played beautifully, I know I gave her a hard time about it earlier but that's because I wanted her to be mad, don't ask, I just did.

If you were just a normal person listening to her play, you would think she played perfectly with no mistakes, but there was one low chord she couldn't get.

"Its very good, except that low chord" I said to her.

"Witch one" she asked genuinely.

I put my hands on the keys where they should be "this one" I said calmly.

"You can do the first half again" I said and sat back to listen, she missed it again.

I moved my stool closer to her and sat right next to her but slightly behind, I put my hand on top of her left, and balanced myself with my right.

I could feel her tense up in front of me.

"Play it once more" I whispered in her ear,  and I could see goosebumps form on the back of her neck.

With shakey hands she started again and with my help got the low chord, she was nearly finished when I leaned in close to her ear.

"Your doing good" I whispered again and this time could see her shiver, this made me smirk, and lean myself over her slightly.

When she finished her piece she was frozen in place and I didn't want to move.

I was about to get up when I put all my weight on my bad leg, I stumbled a bit and grabbed O'Sheas' waist for balance, but she was about to stand up too so I dragged her to the floor with me.

I fell on top of her in a very awkward positing, not saying I minded but..

I could see her cheeks redden slightly, she's so cute.

She looked into my eyes with bravery, she leaned up, put on hand on the back of my neck and came closer, she bypassed my face and went to my ear

"Are you not going to make any false accusations James" she whispered.

"There are many accusations I could hold against you Ms.O'Shea" I said suggestively.

She looked into my eyes again and raked over my body, "I must be going" she said quietly with a wink.

She moved from under me and left.

Now that wasn't my imagination.

Illegal Happiness (James McVey)Where stories live. Discover now