Meeting "Shang"...

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Zoe's POV

It has been a long day at school so far, I've never wanted to go home and cuddle on the couch with James so bad. But, of course I have to meet this "Shang" guy tonight.

I am currently sitting in the back row of James's classroom waiting for him to enter the room just like the rest of the class. This is my last class of the day and I have a hell load of homework to do. I felt someone beside me nudge my arm. I turned my head to see April sitting beside me.

"Oh, sorry Avri, I zoned out" I laughed, she waved her hand dismissively at me.

"Did you hear what happened at lunch?" she whispered with a look of excitement in her eyes. I shook my head confused as I was actually at lunch today.

"The Little Shit called some boy an idiotic player and walked away, it was the funniest shiz I've seen in ages, he didn't get caught either because when he was asked he said the boy was lying and now that boy has detention" she explained to me and we erupted in laughter.

How come I didn't see that.

When we calmed down we started talking about books and movies we have to see and read, there is so many! I heard the door open and close and looked up too see James in the skinny jeans and shirt he threw on this morning and the events of this morning then started running through my head and I giggled to myself earning me a confused look from April, I mouthed the words "I'll tell you later" and she smiled and nodded.

Class went by rather quickly and James has stopped glaring at me and treating me so harshly. I am now treated just like anyone else in this school.

I stayed back after class and sat on the table across from his desk, crossing my legs and dropping my school bag behind me. James looked up from where he was sitting and gave me the warmest smile I have ever seen.

"What can I do you for Ms O'Shea" he asked professionally with a smirk plastered across his beautiful face. I swung my legs back and forth under the table innocently as my feet didn't touch the floor.

"Sir, I have seemed to have lost my boyfriend, could you help me find him?" I asked raising an eyebrow and giving him a half smile. He rose from his chair and pretended to look around the room.

"Where was the last place you saw him, what does he look like?" he challenged stepping closer too me until he was directly in front of me. I gave a thoughtful expression.

"Oh, he is tall, broad, brownie blondie hair, blue eyes and he's very sexy, you wouldn't know him. The last place I saw him was at his house, he seemed in a rush to go somewhere, he was wearing my purple dressing gown" I laughed at James expression. He put his hands on my waist and I put my hands on his shoulders.

"I'm sure we'll find him" he whispered and began to lean in slowly. I nodded.

"I'm sure we will" I whispered and wrapped my arms around his neck, closing my eyes he kissed me softly and pulled away far too quickly. I smiled up at him and he smiled back. "Don't worry, I think I found him" I said quietly and hopped of the table so I was standing in front of him.

"Can we go home now?" I asked and James nodded with a huge smile.

"Yeah, one second" he said fishing in his pocket for something. He pulled out his car keys and handed them to me. "You can go wait in the car for me if you want" I nodded and left the classroom.

Walking across the parking lot I could see my car in the students car park. I decided I was going to leave it here overnight and I'll get it tomorrow after school. I got into James car and he was in the drivers seat ten minutes later.

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