The new piano teacher...

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Zoe's POV

Just as my hand brushed the handle of the classroom door.I nooded and started walking towards Mr.McVey

He's head was down looking at some papers so it gave me the chance to take a better look at him. I could see his cheekbones clearly like the kind male models have. He had his hair styled over in a loose stupid combover and his side fringe slightly covering he's eyes.

He looked up from the papers and I could see his sea like blue eyes. He smirked and dimples appeared on each side of his cheeks.

All of a sudden I became very self- consious, my heart was bounding so hard on my chest it began to pain me and my stomach was doing cartwheels.

I was sure I looked like an idiot, so I gave a small smile "So, you wanted to speak with me,Sir"I asked curiously

"Yes, Ms.O Shea I would like to inform you, that your piano lessons will continue as normal, I have been asked to take Ms.Dawsons' place and I have accepted, do you mind?" He asked in that voice that just wanted me too keep him talking forever.

Did I mind? Of course I did, the hottest man I have ever laid eyes on would be my piano\music teacher. But even I have to admit, something about this guy wanted me to learn more about him.

"Ah- No that's fine,Sir" I said nervously "That's great Ms.O Shea you're first lesson will begin Thursday, at half five, in the practice room, I look forward to playing with you,Your dismissed, Good Bye" he said with a heartbreaking smile "Good bye, Sir" just as I was about to leave she suddenly remembered something "Oh, I forgot to ask you, you have quite an unusual surname, its Irish am I correct?" I was slightly amused at his question "Um, yeah, we moved here when I was ten, Sir"

"Okay Ms.O Shea have a nice day" at that I left the room and made my way to English

Illegal Happiness (James McVey)Where stories live. Discover now