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Zoes POV

I managed to convince the guys to let me follow Megan, I couldn't find her anywhere.

I was sitting on the step outside Brads house feeling so stupid and helpless.

I got up and walked over to James' house in hopes of any luck there.

I knocked on the door but there was no answer so I knocked on the window of the house and was hit in the head with a window opening very quickly, I put my hand to my head and felt a gash and gasped in pain.

There was blood beginning to trail down my face and I felt nauseous.

I fell to the floor in hopes of regaining some balance but I was met with black dots appearing in front of me, if this is the end of my life, and I didn't get too meet Alan Rickman, I am going to kill whoever killed me!

"I said I didn't like her, I didn't tell you to kill her!" I heard a feminine voice say and then everything went black.


When I woke up, I saw James sitting on a chair beside me. I smiled to myself

"So, was it you who wanted to kill me?" I asked amused.

He laughed slightly "I may have been a bit rough with a window Ms. O'Shea, I apologise" he said genuinely.

"Would you please just call me Zoe?" I asked slightly annoyed.

"Maybe" he smirked.

"Ugh, I guess Megan told you what happened" I said.

He nodded "I don't understand why you did that tho, but don't explain here, we have company " he whispered.

I was about to get up but felt the dizziness come back.

"Can I talk to Brad and Megan...together please" I whispered hopefully.

"Ms.Anderson, Mr.Simpson" James called and they came into the room. They glared at each other and Brad looked sobered up now.

"Will I leave you alone?" asked James.

"No, I think you deserve an explanation as much as them" I said.

"I have no idea what you mean Ms.O'Shea" James said nervously.

"Oh come on" Megan and I said in unison, we looked at each other and gave a small smile.

"Er, okay then" he said.

I tried to sit up again, but this time James helped me up. "Can ye all sit down ye are making me dizzy" I said.

"Okay, now, let me explain, I was out today with Emily and I wasn't going to drink, but like you know me, I cant help it, and it was just there and I got a taxi home and I came in and Brad had drank half a bottle of whiskey, I helped him up the stairs because I was going to bring him to bed so he could sleep, but things happened and you know the rest I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it, and I regret it I all" I apologised.

I looked over towards Megan and she looked torn.

"Zoe, Im not going to forgive you now or you Brad, but Ill be civil and I'm happy McVey-"

"Mister McVey!" said James sternly.

"Mr.McVey didn't kill you" Megan finished "Thank you" I laughed.

There was a knock on the door, Brad got it, and in walked one of my best friends Emily.

"Ms.Ryan what are you doing here?" asked James.

"I could ask you the same question Sir" said Emily sarcastically.

I swear James forgets he is pur teacher sometimes.

"Emily, what a surprise" I said.

"Um, yeah you left your phone behind you at the bar so I thought Id bring it back" she said eying James weirdly.

"Thank you, Em' can you give it too Jam- Mr.McVey there please" I said nervously.

"Are you alright" she asked.

"Yeah, I fell over and hit my head, I'm a small bit dizzy" I lied.

She nodded, in walked April "Oh, hi April what are you doing here?" she asked.

"I live here, why are you here?" asked April amused.

"Wait, you live, in Brads house?" Emily was so confused.

"Connor, April, Grace, Megan, Chloe, Zoe and I all live under the same roof, my roof" Brad explained.

"Wow, ye must all get sick of each other" Emily laughed which caused us all too laugh.

"Well not really because Grace is rarely here she's always off with that Evans one, and Zoe is rarely here either, isn't that right Zoe" Brad looked from me to James.

"Um, yeah" I muttered.

"I must be going" said Emily, I was sad that she had to go, she broke the tension for a while.

"Come back anytime you want to" said Brad.

"See ye all in school then" said Emily and then poof...she left...and she left behind very awkward people.

"Um, I'm going home, I will see you all in class tomorrow" and James left.

"I'm going to the library, my book is two days late" April said.

"Ill go with you" said Connor eagerly and they left.

"I'm meeting up with Tristan in half an hour so I'm going to leave now" and Grace left.

"Im going too bye" and Chloe left.

Now it was just Megan, Brad and I left in the living room.

"Brad, can you help me up the stairs I think ill go too sleep, I'm still dizzy from Jam- Mr.McVey nearly killing me" I asked, the only reason I wanted to get out of there was because the tension was killing me.

He helped me up the stairs leaving Megan down stairs.

"Zoe, Im sorry" Brad apologised.

"Its alright, I'm sorry too, I just don't want things to be weird between us because I care too much about you" I said honestly Brad gave me a hug "Goodnight"

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