Helping McVey...

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Zoes POV

That was a very dramatic scenario, I really don't like drama.

"Hey, I'm going to go and check in with the Aunt and Uncle" I said.

"Okay, will you be back later?" asked Meg. 

"I don't know, bye!' I announced. "Bye" everyone replied happily.

As I was walking towards my car I glanced towards McVeys' house, he was coming out his house in a rush and tripped over the step and landed in a heap on the floor, he let out a loud grunt.

I think he hurt himself hah.

I couldn't help but laugh, I was trying to keep it in and I was doing a good job until he looked around to see if anyone saw.

When his eyes landed on me he looked horrified.

Just his expression made me burst into a fit of laughter.

"Would you stop that?" He said to me annoyed.

"S-sorry Si-r" I said between giggles.  I could hear his sigh in frustration.

Why should I care? I thought to myself and tried to open the car door.

Oh shit, I left my keys inside. I was about to knock at Brads house again, when I saw McVey limping towards his house.

I cant just stand here, ugh, why was he so clumsy?

I walked over to him "Would you like a hand, Sir?" I asked.

"No I'm perfectly-" he let out another grunt "fine on my own, Ms.O'Shea" he snapped.

"Okay, glad I could help" I retorted sarcastically. I started to walk away until I heard McVey hit the floor again.

I stood on front of him and held out my hand. He looked at me confused.

He's so stubborn. "Do you want to get inside anytime today?" I said.

He took my hand and I helped him up. "Thanks" he said reluctantly.

He put his arm over my shoulder and wobbled towards the front door of his house.

"Do you need anymore help?" I asked kindly. He looked at me bewildered "Um, no I think im okay now" he said with a hint of a smile.

I looked down at his leg to see there was blood seeping through his jeans. I rolled my eyes and shook my head at him dismissively.

"What?" McVey snapped at me. "Did I say anything" I snapped back. "You didn't need too" he said under his breath, but I heard it.

"Do you own a First Aid Kit?" I asked expecting his to say 'No'

"Yeah, I do" he replied proudly.

"Do you know how to use it?" I retorted sarcastically. He hesitated  before shaking his head.

"Do you need help with your leg, Sir?" I asked. "Um, okay, come in" he answered  uncomfortably.

His house was the exact same layout as Brads house.

When you walked through the front door there was a living room to your left, which opened up to meet the kitchen.

"Straight up stairs, first door to your left is the bathroom and the first aid kit is in the medicine cabinet" McVey stated.

I nodded and made my way to the bathroom, I was half way up the stairs when McVey shouted "keep to the left!"

I took the first left when I got up the stairs and entered the bathroom, it was surprisingly very clean with only one problem.

Illegal Happiness (James McVey)Where stories live. Discover now