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Again sorry for not updating I've been busy hope u like this part btw the pictiure is her little sister


We sit in two chairs in the office

"okay now amber we need to aavaluuate if you are capable for custody and if you want custody"

"I defiantly want custody"

"okay now i have some questions for you answer truthfullyand at the end i will avaluate your living situattion and decide"

"okay ask away"

"how old are you"


"whats your full name"

"amber grace witburd"

"where do you live"

"6666 dorsetskampe rd"

"how is your mental state"

"its okay"

"any medications"

"athsma med and birth control and thats it"

"who lives with you"

"my boyfreind"

"do you take any drugs or consume alchohol"

"no never"

"okay well ill be back in a little bit"

she left the room and shaun sits there rubbing my back

a few minutes latter

the woman reenters the room

"so ive made my decision and i think you deserve to be her gardian"

"thank you so much" i say as i hug her

"you are the perfuct gardian for her"

she motions for us to follow her and that is when i see her all grown up my baby sister she sees me and runs into my arms and i cry as i hold her i missed you dont ever disapear like that again i wont pinky promise


hey so sorry this is so short and posted to late but ima work real hard to get new storries up today

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