Shaun an me

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"who was that man amber are you cheating on me"
i look at him and see the tears welling in his eyes
"no baby no id never cheat on you he was a detective from the car crash i was in and he was on katylins case"
i see the releafe flood his eyes
"wait then why was he here"
"his wifes in the hospitaland a doctor told him i was here and was curious if it was my lungs"
"whats wrng with your lungs"
as soon as he asked that i launched into the story of the car crash and after i was done he sat there just holding me not letting go
skipping to her being released

the doctor just cleared me to go home and shaun was driving and katlyin was with his little sister at the house but shaun made the wrong turn going home and instead he went to a park
"why are we here"
"i have something to show you"
"but im tired"
"i know i will only take a few minutes "
he leads me down to a little table in the middle of a flower feild we walk over to it and theres a framed picture og us on it aand a letter and box adressed to me
i read the letter that said

Dear Amber,

first i want to say even though weve been together for so little time i allready love you and
katlyin and the babbies so much when i see you with katlyin i see what a great mom you will be i love you i love you i fucking love you now and forever if we ever parted i would die from heart ache i love you so much so if you love me as much as i love you look at me right now
i fucking love you,
forever and always and infinity,
love shaun

i look over and see shaun on one knee
"will you marry me"
"of coaurse"
he slides the ring on my finger and picks me up and twirls me around
soon were back in the car heading home and we round the corner and headlights are pointed straight at us

so will they crash if so does she loose the babys ?
but in other news im really excited i have a chourus concert and a banquet comming up and i cant wait so yay and post what you want to see
by the way the picture is what i picture for shauns little sister

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