flashback part2

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"shes been unconsence since the crash and she hasnt woken up"
"what impossible" i wisper
"its not impossble but it might be more impossible if we knew what happened so can you tell me"
"yes it was cold outside it was raining pretty hard but hat didnt matter to mom all she wanted was to find katlyin she had been kidnapped earlyer in the day and we went on a drive to calm down because the detectives kept questioning me because i was the one who put her to bed i was baby sitting cause they were going to a fancy banquet and they wanted to take us but i started school again the next day and it would be to late for katlyin so they left me in charge and i did her normal nightly rutein gave her a bottle changed her dipar changed her into pjs gav her another bottle and sat with her in her rocking chair and sang her to sleep and i placed her in her crib and grabed the baby moniter i went down stairs with the bottle she just used and washed the dishes and then i wento go check on her and she was peciefully sleeping mom had called so i went down starsand ansered it was about ten and she asked how katlyin was i told he she was fine peicefuly sleeping she said ok told me o check all the locks in the house than go to bed and i checked all he locks but one" i said and started crying
he sat there speakless looking at me
"the one lock i didnt check was katylins winodow i wen to bed and my parents came home said goodnight they checked on katlyin and went to bed my parents had wooken me up so iwent to check on katlyin myself and when i did she was still there asleep i kissed her foehead and went back to bed i fell asleep and the next morning i went to check on her but she was gon so i thought mom or dad got her already so i went to thyere room i knocked on the door and asked if they had katlyin and they said no we searched the whole house and finally mom called 911 and after a full day o quesioning they weere done and mom decided we needed a driving lession to calm down w were on our way to my school parking lot we were almost there but we had avioded a crash and went off road......."

so prstty soon im ganna start puting up picktures of the carcters so how much do u like it
comment or chat me on kik
btw the picture is what i think the detective looks like

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