the knock

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theres a knock on my door
"amber its me shelby"
"come in"
the door opens and shelby walks in
"shaun said you recreasted my lees than depressed self"
"yes i need your help withplanning the wedding the baby shower and all kinnds of things"
"oh im great at that unlike my brother"
she sits on the bed and gets settled on shauns side
"ok so do you want the wedding before you have the kids or after theyre here"
"i think before but before im to big to walk"
"okay when do you want the babby shower"
"after the wedding but i can waddle with that"
shelby laughs at that
"you know shaun wasnt always like this after mom died he caught me cutting and asked if it helped all i said was it distracted me so he ttook my blade and cut his arm and we both got really bad you know the reason he was going to that place was he was looking for a park to comette suicide in"
the tears well up in my eyes as she says that
"but he saw you and he knew he should help you now look at both of you now your happy"
"please tell me you stopped cutting"
"its been a yyear and im still going strong but im kinda curious as to why you kept me frm my first day as a senior"
"i didnt want to be alone and i just needed girl time"
"what grade are you in"
"i graduated a year early so i can take college coaurses online if i want"
"not really the way they are having me graduate is i have to graduate and get my deploma this year"
then theres another knock at the door

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