explainer chapter important

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hi guys its me the author so ima run hrough the whole plot base real quick and whats going on right now
so ambers 17 about to turn 18 and shauns 18 shauns mom is dead and his dads in prison for the smae reason as ambers dad and ambers mom is dead and her dad and ex boyfreind are in jail
the reason this storys so fast paced is because they have this outraging fear that theyre ganna loose all the pepole in theyre life hat they love so sorry its a bit fast paced
so some pepole were wondering about the plot well thats easy

amber is only looking for someone to love and trust but her many tramas in life get in her way of love
shaun is trying o find someone he can love and hold onto but nothing ever gose his way
and together they have found love that they are trying to make a life for themselves and theyre sibblings but its not seeming to go that way

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