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After we regestered her for kindergarden we went back to the house and we showed her her new room
"can we decorate it the way i want to " she asks
"of coaurse doll well go shoping this afternoon" shaun says
"yay i love you guys"
"we love you to" i say
we leave her alone to plan her room and we go o my room and sit on my bed
"your really good with her you know" i say
"i know ive allways loved kids" shaun says
"ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" we hear a small shreak from the next room shaun grabs his gun from my dresser and we run to katiys room and see a man trying to take her out the window
"let her go now " shaun yells
"never she ascaped oncce so ill make it to where she cant again"
once he said that i realized who he was i imeadiatly dile 911
"hello this is 911 whats your emergancy"
"my little sisters kid napper is back and trying to take her again"
"ok mame whats your adress"
"6266 dorsetskampy road"
"ok police are on there way do you have any weapons"
"my boyfreind has a gun and hes pointing it at the kidnapper"
"ok good wheres your sisster"
"in tthe arms of the kidnapper please hurry he has a knife to her throat"
"ok ok im sending an ambulance to do you hear the sirens"
next thing i know sirens bust into the silence of the air
"yes i hear them "
"ok there in your driveway you stay on the phone till there with you"
"yes mame"
"ok whats your name"
"amber whitbird"
"ok amber whats your boyfreinds name"
"ok and your sisster"
"ok whats going on now"
"he still has her and his knife is pressing on her throat please hurry" i stuggled to say through tears
suddenly a gun shot rang out.........

ha ha ha plot twist so who was shot?
well i finaly got a new tablet so now i can update more although i have eoc testing this week and next week so i should hopefully have some semblence of time soon. any way sorry bout the delay in chapters
so comment on who you think got shot

btw he picis of my image of amber

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