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a phone rings
then shelby picks up a phone
"do you mind if i answer"
"not at all"
she answers the face time call and we come face t face with a blonde and bron haired girl around our age
"hey doll"
"hey whos that with you wait is that amber"
"lauren " i scream
"yep in the flesh"
"you to know each other" shelby says puzzled
"yeah lauren was my exs freinds gf"i say
"you mean jake"shelby asks
"yeah hes serven sme pretty heavy jailtime for what he did" i say
"word round shell is ur prego and ganna marry shaun"
"those words be true"
"well congrats"
"well doll we gatta go"
"k bye"

she hangs up and we continue to plan till she asks
"are you going to wear white"
so yeah im exhausted an i have 3 more days of tests this week so bye yall night night

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