martha or mary

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"SHELBY"i scream horrified
"im allright lungs just hurt a bit damn shes heavy"
martha looks absolutely terrifed
"who are you pepole wait you look like the womn from the pictures that aunt lily calls my mom" she directs tward shelby
"i am your mom"
"but aunt lily said your dead"
"she lied to you about alot of things"
"if your my mommy wheres my daddy"
"hes in jail"
"whats that"
"ill tell you when your older"
she seems to accepet the answer and soon an ambulance comes to take shelby to the hospital and asked me to bring martha and follow them they got us a police escourt and once were at the hospital i call to martha but she asked me who that was
"its your name silly"
"no my names mary"
"no your mom named you martha"
"aunt lily said my name was mary"
"she was wrong now lets go"
i grab marthas hand and lead her int the hospital following shelbys straecher we get lead into a room where 2 doctors and 2 nurses come in and check both shelby and martha then we explain everything to her and she says she thought the angel was right when we asked her what angel she said the angel named martha she said she was grandma
the look on shelbys face when martha said that was just shocked
Then there's a knock on the door

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