flash back part1

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as soon as he walked into the room i was instantly taken back to the first time i met him the little things he did and the little things about him

it was about four years ago i can still remember the way he smelled as he walked into the house
katlyin had just been kidnaped and mom got into a car wreck with me when she had herd the news
i was laying in a small hospital bed in the icu wires and tubes commiing out of every place in my body
i was concence but barley alive i kept the nurses entertained on my good days and it was one of my good days but the mood in the room instantly shifted darker when he walked in everyone stopped and stared
"im looking for amber whitbird im suposed to interview her" he said in his gruff scratchy voice
"shes not doing well today can you come back later"
"no i have to get it done now so where is she"
"shes in the bed in the corner follow me"
they start walking my way and i examine his as he walks his broad shouldars fedora leather trench coat and his hieght was something you couldnt miss especialy with those traits all together
"amber sorry to bother you daer but you have a visiter"
"ok"i say in a raspy voice i developed from my injurys
he slightly smiled at me as he sat in a chair next to my bed
"im sorry i have to make you live through this again but i need you to tell m exactly what happened in the car accident"
"why cant you ask my mommy"
"well we cant because shes"

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