is shaun sober?

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shaun and caleb walk in and shaun spots me instantly he walks over and leans down next to me and im imeaiantly over whelmed with his sent of the woods
"can i pull you away to talk to you for a minute"
"i guess" i wisper back
i get up and follow him outside and he sits on a bench right out front
"im sorry im so so sorry i swear i kept hoping what i did wasnt true and everyday i wish i could wake up with amnesia(omg 5sos moment) i keep wishing it all wasnt true i remember when you left ii remember the makeup running down your face (please have commen sense and play amnesia while reading this) i wish i could go back and change it but i cant but i can fix the future and thats what i plan to do if youll let me so please take me back"
i look at him and see the seirousness in his eyes i feel guilty and i start to cry silently
"i will promise when you stay sober for at least a month or two i will continue to plan the wedding you just have to focus on staying sober next week if your still sober come to my new apartment and well talk then ok"
"i will i promise now lets get you back to your girls"
"i still love you no matter what"
"i love you to"
we go back in the resturant and the girls watch me carefully he goes to walk off to caleb but kisses my forehead and belly then says
"stay safe i love you"
"i will i love you to"
he walks off to caleb and i look back at the girls to see them all shocked and staring at me
"what" i ask inocently
"what happend with him are you back together"
"not sure we will see if he stays sober but he gave me my ring and im still planing the wedding"
everyone looked extreamly confuesed
"we will see what hapens"
we leave the small resterant and go to the salon and i get myhair redyed and nails done and all the girls get therye nails done and anna and shelby explained they broke up because they wanted diffrent things like shelby wants to date this punk rock emo guy called ash and anna wants too date his all gay sister called sam
aftr that we go back to the hoteland we see a guy in our room
so yeah not having the best day but writing mkes it better and just so yall know you can always come and talk to me
anywys love yall

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