party planning

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i run to the bathroom and lock myself in there with a blade cluched in my hand ilower it to mmy wrist but before i press it down shaun and shelby are at the door banging and pleading for me to answer i sart to panik and i slide the blade down my arm and slice it open a horride scream comes from my mouth
the door busts open and i see a freaked out shaun and a pissed shelby her look sofens when her gaze lands on me
"oh doll here lets get you clened up you to big bro"
she takes my hand and a first aid kit and she sits on the side of the tub and starts to clean my arm i wimper in pain and shaun grabs my other hand but he looks pissed she cleans my arm and bandges it then she forces shauns wirst bands off and cleans his arm and bandages it then wordlessly we go back to ou bed
"ok family talk time shaun what the hell caused you to relapse"
"i was scared that i was ganna lose amber and i needed the pain to remind me that she wasnt ganna go anywhere then i ralised yall would be pissed"
"amber what about you"
i look down and close my eyes as i speak
"i lostt my older brother 3 years before katliyn was born he was driving home one night and he got hhit by a drunk driver he died instatly and we used to aruge like you two do and it brought all the bad back"
i wisper and the tears stream down my face thhen someone capturees me in a hug
"i didnt mean to do i swear i was putting i down and it cut me"
"shhhhhhh babe its ok i was just pissed cause i couldnt protect you and the babies again"
"now lets plan happy things" shelby says
"ok lets go to pintrest"
we start looking up designs and all srots of stuff we get most of the planning done than a phone rings
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so you guys this chapter reminded me of my older brother aand i was looking for one of his favorite songs to puton here but i couldt find it so listen to
eminem lose yourself
anyways bringin in new characters next chapter

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