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i feel the pain again yet sharper
i wimper in pain then i try to think didnt the doctor mention it
yes yes okay if he pain is sharp in your abdomen then you need to keep your feet elevated above your head so i turn and prop my feet above my head on the headboard
all i could think of was my unborn babbies and hoping they were ok i decided that moment that i wasnt going to move from the bed for at least two if not three days because i was having a bad pregnancy and all i needed was a couple days in bed
that sounds nice a couple days in bed just wondering what my childern will look like and a couple days to myself to keep shelby from school to help me plan my wedding
i soon fall asleep laying like this
the next morning i wake up to shaun getting out of bed
"morning babe " he says
"mornin is it possble for me to keep shelby and stay in bed all day"
"ok ill go get her you need anything else"
"am i allowed to have monster"
"yes but you can only have one a week and you have to drink it slow and drink lots of water"
by the way i googled it and thats what the website said
"than monster,shelby,my laptop, and a notebook and pen and a apple"
"green or red"
"green and thank you"
"no problem babe"
a few minutes later theres a knock on my door

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