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"follow me"
i get in my truck and lead them to a small cupcake and sandwich shop by the dance stdio
i get out of my truck and stand on the curb waiting for caleb and chase soon they pull up behind me and they get out and we go in
"hey amber how ya doing" the owner gary says
"ive been better so i need my usual except no coffee sprite insted"
"why no coffee" he says
"shes pregnant" chase says
"ohh bun in the oven"
"no four buns"
"good you need happyness that all"
"no boys order come on"
tthey place theyre orders and i order katlyin and kats favorite cupcakes and i get alainaa her coffee and i tell the boys to follow me
we enter the dance studio and i see kat showing katlyin how to twirl prpoerly
"alaina kat katlyin i bring treats"i shout and head to alainas office
"yay treats" alaina yells i sit next to her and kat katlyin caleb and chase come in we all sit around and i hand alaina her coffee kat her cupcake and tea and katlyin her cake shot (so theres this bakery in my town and it sells cupcakes in shot glasses and they are amazing i LOVE theyre cupcakes i want to work theyre but i have a job wait im off track back into the story)
and i sit down with my cupcake and sprite and the boys get theyre cupcakes we eat in silence when katlyins done she says "can i go dance again"
"of course"
she runs off to the empty studio
"so alaina that job still open"
"yeah the owners dieing and we need help to stay alive"
"how much"
"can i talk to her"
"yeah follow me"
we walk to the back where the owners office is and alaina knocks on the door
"come in" miss perry says
we walk in and see miss perry sitting at her desk on her oxogen machine
"miss perry this is amber shes interested in buying the place she was the coeographer for that dance crew kat was on"
"you sure you want this place"
"yes mame"
"you got the 4000"
"yes mame i can write you a check right now and you can go put it in the bank"
"ok its yours when you write the check"
i pull out my check book and write the check alaina has us sign contracts and i read them thughrowly
"ok heres your check"
"thank you girl keep this place open please"
"thats all i want"
she starts packing her things and me and alaina head to her office
"now what did shaun do to you" caleb asks
yay new chaper next i think ill write in shauns pov how he got drunk
well love yall

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