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soon were back in the car heading home and we round the ccorner and headlights are pointed straight at us
as soon as our headlights lite the road it was clear that there was a crash ahead of us
"babe you stay in here ill go make sure things are okay"
"no i need you can we please just turn around"
"i guess babe but im not happy about it "
we turn around and start to go a diffrent way then police and ambulances go past us to the scene
we drive along windy roads till we reach our drive way we get up to the house and shaun insists on carrying me up the stairs and into the house so he pulls open my door and picks me up and carrys me insidei yawn and i start to fight off sleep he carrys me inside and sets me on the sofa and then litle katlyin runs in and sits next to me on the sofa
"sissy your home"
"of coaurse i am id never leave you"
shelby waltz in and sits next to katlin
"so i imagine my idiot big brother poped the big question"
i decided to play dumb for now
"what question"
"if youd marry him"
"oh that yes and i said yes"
i start to feel a small pain iin my abdomine but i pass it off as nothing
"shaun im tird carry me to bed plz"
he comess and picks me up and carrys me to bed when he leaves me alone i feel the pain again yet sharper
so thats this chapter let me know what you think

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