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"are you going to wear white" shelby asks
"no... well i dont know i always said no but i wan shauns opinion on that"
"ok well what type of dress will you wear"
"ball gown with my converses"
"that sounds awsome"
"yeah but theres one thing i know i want "
"whats that"
"a momorial table for both our familys"
"i finaly get why he loves you"
"you care so much about others and so little about yourelf"
"thats a good observation now whers shun i need hiis help with some of this"
"hes outside with katlyin"
i pick up my phone and call shaun but he doesnt answer so i call agaain and he doesnt answer so i call again and he doesnt answer so i call again and i sart to panick so i text him 'why arent you answering '
"hes not answering why isnt he answering" i wwisper and start to cry
"shhh its ok he probly hs the sound off"
"but what if he doesnt and he hates me now"
"shhh he doesnt hate you come on we will go down and get him"
"are are you sure"
"yes im sure come on"
i get up and walk with shelby down the stairs and to the back yard we open the door and see.........
sorry i didnt update this morning i got a bit busy so hows the story i dont really know what to say in these things so yeah hope yall enjoyed it.

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