Shelbys pov

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I call caleb first thing when i wake up
The phone rings and caleb picks up
"Hey i need your help" i say as i get dressed and scribble out a note to amber
"With what"
"Amber needs shaun really badly and i know he needs her but we have to sober him up and get him so he can see her"
"You wanna meet somewhere to discuss this over coffee"
"Ok where to"
"Coffee rocks on main"
"Alright be there in ten"
"Ok see ya"
I pick up my purse an keys and head to coffee rocks but before i leave i place the note on ambers forehead
I drive to the coffee shop and get out i see caleb sitting in a booth with a frapichino on the table i go get my normal tea and sit across from him
"glad you came"
"you to now hows this ganna work"
"we go to his houuse get all the alcohol and put it in your ttruck bed then handcuff him stick him in the back seat and then we go to the woods and pour it all out or give it to jack"
"whos jack"
"laurens boyfreind"
"well whatt would he do with it"
"take it out back and pour it out theen shoot the bottles"
"then lets do that"
"ok well jackk is probbably with devon alainas boyfriend"
"ok wait where do we get handcuffs"
"my car"
"what why do you have handcuffs"
"because me and anna likee to get kinky "
"of coarse you do"
we get our coffees and i go get shaun some coffee and we head to his house
we get out of our cars and i have the hand cuffs i unlock the door and we find shaun curled in the corner clutching an empty bottle of whiskey i help caleb get all the bottles in his truck bed and then i wake my lovely brother
"shaun get your ass up now"
"why the hell should i ive lost evrything"
"if you dont clean up and sober up then yeah you will"
"what do you mean"
"ambers willing to take you back if you sober up and apologize"
"then lets go see her"
"its ganna take a couple months to gt her to aprove of you then to take you back plus her new job and apartment and i agrfed to move in to help her"
"well lets start now"
"you have to stand up and let me put hand cuffs on you and go into calebs truck"
"ok" i cuff him and put him in the back seat me and caleb get in and he drives to a small section of woods where we meet with jack and devon they libne up the botles and sshoot them one by one we take shaun back t his house and caleb said hed take care of him and i drove to the hotel room
i get out and its around noon i go inside and see no ones up yet so i take the note off her forehead and wake her and katlyin up and then we get ready to go furnitue shopping buut then theres a knock on the door...................
so i went to a chours banquet tonight and it was not the best so i leaft early and i didnt get an award or letter but theres aways next year and i want to congraduate a reader of mine who is also a freind
victoria congrats on your letter
congrats to all other music pepole who got awarded and thanks to my bff who did my hair and makeup i never do hair or make up and she had a hard time cause my eyes are so set back into my hhead so my lil bro had to hold my eyes open so she could put on eye liner
anyways love yall

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