a guy

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we see a guy in our room i start to panick and then the bedside light turns on and i see its chase
"god damn howd you get in here"
"me dad owns the hotel but i came to check on your babies"
"oh ok cool"
"so lye down on the bed shirt up belly out"
i do what he says and katlyin sits next to me he pulls out a machine and some cold gel he rubs the cold gel on my belly and he waves a wand part of the machine over it he presses a button and i can hear woshing sounds and then shelby leaves the room ok so im suprised you havent started showing yet but you should soon so let me see how far along did the last doc say"
"umm 2 weeks i think and that was a week ago or was it two"
"ok well she was a bit off id say your about five to six weeks"
"we should be able to tell in thenext two months and youll probably have to deliver early but not to early that it would hurt the babies"
"well i should go now im meeting shaun and caleb for dinner"
"well then go"
i leave katlyin on the bed watching cartoons and i try to find shelby but its farley easy being in this small hotel room i find her crrying in th bathroom
"hey whats wrong"
"the sonagram reminded of somethin not so good"
"can i know"
"well it was 9th grade in a relashnship with a guy he was a senior and we dated and hooked up off and on and well i got pregnant shaun was pissed he yelled at me so i would spend the night diffrent places and well i was about fve months i just found out i was having a girl aand tthe guy was with me and he handed me a coke and i left to go pee and i came back and he made sure i drank it all and i found out latter that night that he put the pills they give you for abortions in it but he put like five or six and i went into premature labor and shaun found out beat his ass and came to stay with me in the hopital i delivered a alive baby bt her lungs were so weak she she almost died in my arms shaun held her right before and he told me he loved me that shed get all the ttreatment shed need her basterd father ruined it for her she lived and she got kiddnapped  and it messed me up really  bad and shaun to thats why theres some days i cant eat or get up or somedays i just cry"
"oh shelby"
"your baby gone" katlyin asked
so yeah that was interesting to write
love yall

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