stay away

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"stay away from me forever" shaun says
"what what do you mean" i say crying
"i mean get your shi and your sister and get out" he said he smelled strongly of alcohol but i lisstened i packed my things and katlyins things put them in the truck and i go get katlyin and put her in her car seat shelby runs out and trys to stop me as ai get in my truck
"amber he doesnt mean it please stay"
"i i have to go he said so give this to him" i say as i hand her my engaement ring
i get in my truck and buckle up shelby trys to stop me as i drive away the tears start as i drive doen the road not knowing where to go i pull over and call kat she picks up the phone
"hello kat speaking"
"kat" i wisper
"amber whats wrong"
"you know how i found kat and i was engaged to shaun"
"yeah and your prego"
"yeah well shaun was drunk and shell was trying to leave and shaun broke it off and kicked me and katlyin out and i dont know where to go"
"come to my apartment and we will figure it all out"
i hang up and start to driive to kats apartment
i get to kats apartment and get out of the truck and pull out a crying katlyin and knock on the door
kat opens the door and as soon as she sees me she pulls me into a hug.
"come on"
i walk in with katlyin on my hip
"hey katlyin how about you go take a nap with estella"
"ok" katlyin wispers
kats little cousin estella and katlyin get along great we had met up a couple of times when she was babysitting
kat comes back out and i colapse in tears
"shhh itll be ok"
"no it wont im pregnant with his four kids and he never wants to see me again"
the phone rings
so please dont hate me for this chapter
love yall

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