what am i going to do?

18 1 0

"...your pregnant"
i dont belive the words that just came from my doctorrs mouth it cant be im on brith control i was suposed to be safe from thisbut of coaurse all the bad things happen to me not that this baby is a bad thing but he or she just came at the wrong time in a few years this would be wonderful but right now with all of this crazyness shaun is freaking out i can tell hes worried about me
"i i am"
"yes your 2 weeks id say do you want me to take a look to make sure"
"yes please"
"ok ill be right back"
she leaves the room and shaun looked at me
"you ok babe"
"im fine just suprised what about you your not ganna leave me are you" i say with tears in my eyes
"no never i promise im excited i get to be a dad"
he kisses me on the lips and i look over at katlyin asleep in the chair next to the bed the doctor comes back with this cart that has a machine and abunch of other things on it she pulls my blanket up and pulls my hospital gown up to expose my stomach sshe spreds a cold gel on my belly and waves a wand like peice of plastic over it and four little fluters apear on the screen
"what are those fluters"
"the hart beats congradulations your having four babbies"
"four " i say shocked
"yes four i know its shocking it was really shocking when i found out i was having 5 last year but they really are wonderful theyre a handful though"
"sorry to be rude but when can i go home"
"you can go home first thing sunday morning"
it was friday night
"why not now"
"we have to watch you to make sure no more fanting and with the babbies its a added risk"
//////an ///////
OK I have some friends at school reading this so I'm going to go ahead and post this but they said something you don't know who the father is so keep your eyes open and ponder it.

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