you knew

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***********ambers pov**********************************
"only because i was away from my brother and mother geing beat every night"
"how how did you know"
"how did i not you screaming in pain moms sreaks and then you walking into my room every night and wispering it was all worth it"
"but you were always asleep"
"no i never was"
i look at shaun and shelby as they argue shauns hair is more messed up than ive ever seen it and he has tears in his eyes and i can see him remembering that i was there he turns to me and so does shelby
"i bet you didnt even tell her"
"he did when i was in the hospital he explained why you wernt living with him"
"really shaun you told her before you told me no wait you ddnt tell me"
"how was i supose to you freaked every time we talked about mom or dad or any of the past"
"you couldve said hey we need too talk about something tthat i shouldve told you when mom died"
"im sorry i was going to but i didnt wan you to hate him more"
"to late im leaving for good this time"
"no shell dont just stay the night and think it over"
"no ill go to annas house for the night and find an apartment tomorrow "
she says as she goes up to her room and packs her things she gets all her stuff and katlyin trys to hug her but she wont let katlyin hug her so she looks at me and i open my arms to hug her and when she pulls back from he hug she looks at me with tears in her eyes and says
"is shelby leaving like mommy and daddy did"
i cant answer case that qusetion pushes me over the edge and i cry and nod
"no shelby dont go dont leave like mommy and daddy diid stay please shelby" katlyin says while crying
that right there causes shelby to freze and start crying
"katlyin you dont understand i have to go"
"no stay no ones forcing you to please stay" katlyin shouts
"katlyin please stop i wont stay no matter what"
that pushes katlyin over the edge crying and now shes sobbing like shaun so i hand him katlyin and try to approach shelby
"amber theres nothing you can say to make me stay "
"i know you just need to sit your ass down and let me tell you something"
she sits on he couch and i look at shaun
"babe please take katlyin to the other room"
him and katlyin leave the room
"i know your lleaving and i understand why but you are killing your brother my sister me and yourself i can see it in your eyes you dont want to leave you brother or katlyin i can tell you want to stay as bad as i want to get married to shaun don't lie to yourself stay if you want your brother to be okay and if you want to see him get married he loves you so much I know he kept something big from you but you are trying to tear apart your relashinship with your family over this me and katlyin and the babies are your family now so don't try to fight it"
"Stay away from me forever"
Hey guys so I'm board I will hopefully be going to my bffs bonfire tonight and I haven't been to one in years so let's hope I don't catch on fire

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