shauns pov !!!!!!!!!!!

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i just saw shell have a flashback and now shes leaving i put katllyin in her bed and go get a bottle of whiskey and start drinking then the flashback comes and i drink more tthen i go watch shelby get lectuured by amber and i say
"stay away from me forever"
the look on ambers face makes me even more enraged
"get your shit and your sisters shit and get out"
i watch her go upstairs and pack and grab katlyin and leave tthen shell runs after her and i grab another bottle of whiskey and try to drink away the pain
i sit here in the corner drinking my whiskey and shell comes back in crying and she starts to yell at me
"you idiot you let her leave how could you you hurt her she was balling her eyes out"
"you think i dont know that you little bitch i know i hurt her i know im an idiot i know what ive done and i know what im doing so shut your mouth you little whore"
"i am not a whore"she yells
i slapped her hard
"dont you ever talk to me like that get the hell out of my house"
she gets a bag of her stuff and leaves then i go back to my corner and drink and drink then i just sit there and think about her and the kids and shell and sweet little katlyin and in that momentt i decide to call her
the phone rings and then she picks up
"you need to abort my kids bitch"
"i said abort my damn kids didnt you hear me"
"i did and i wont you wont have to pay for them or see them or worry about a damned thing"
she says and hangs up the phone i pick up a bottle of whiskey and drink and all i thought was just hearing her was to mucch now she probably hates me so i tyr to get up but i cant and i slowly black out
so this probably sucks and thats how shaun got drunk
so love yall

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