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so i dont feel like typing another 2 versions of the same chapter tonight so to the next in ambers pov

shelby wakes me up and i get ready to go furniture shopping cause we move in tomorrow
we get in my truck and head to the furniture store shelby pulls katlyin out of her car seat and sets her on the ground and we meet with kat outside the doors of the shop then we go in and start to look for furniture
once we get all the furniture orderd and set the delivery for tomorrow we head out for lunch with the girls
while we wait for our food shelby stands up and says
"well i want you girls to know something important"
i look around the table at alaina lauren shelby kat katlyin and anna
"okay so there are two things one is me and anna are no longer dating and the second is i talked to shaun today and got him sobered up and caleb and chase will be watching over him for now"
she sits down and every one looks completly and utterly shocked then they all look at me
"why did you sober him up" i ask tearing up
"i went and talked to him when he was slightly sober and he needs you and the kids in his life so we got him sober and he agreed to stay that way so caleb and i are helping him"
everyone looks at me again and they acnolage that a tear rolled down my face i get up and hug her tightly
"thank you i need him to i really do" i wisper
"you are my familey i would do anything for you" she says and embraces me tightly
i sit back down and everyone looks at me
"when do you start showing "
"within the next day or so i guess"
"ok well when are you due"
"in 7 months"
"yay" katlyin says and hugs me
"when will you know what your having"
"2 months"
"what do you want them to be"
"i want 2 girls and 2 boys"
"so an even mix of the genders"
"yeah but it is what it is ill love them no matter what"
"aww" everyone swoons
the food arives and we all eat in peice then alaina asks
"are you ganna have a baby shower"
"of coaurse"
"i dont know maybe in a month or two when i know what they are"
some one walks into the small reasttreant thats not very busy and i look over and see its shaun and caleb
ahhhhhhh my ex keeps atacking my keyboard aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
someone help me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so yeah someone help
so love yall

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