brother?Ha pranked u i think?

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"what i..i dont have a brother im the only one alive thats not in prison" i shout
shaun commes rushing down the stairs
"babe whats the matter"
"this guy said hees my brother and im realy freaked out" i say
shaun looks at the boy in the door
"caleb stop it" he says
"aww come on you never let me have any fun" the boy wies
"well you need to stop your bothering my girl" shaun says
wrapping his arm arund me
"well who is your girl"
"well amber no ofense to my best freinds girl but your qite cute"
i laugh at his comment and walk off to my room to hangg my posters and decorate my room


a couple weeks later theres a knock on my bedroom door i look over to the open door and see shaun
"hey baby"

"hey babe are you stil decorating"
"yeah an organizing"
"damn "
i hop off the chair i was useing to hang lights in my room and walk over to him and hug him

He kissed the top of my head
"so babe I was wondering if I could take you on a date tonight"
"I don't know I kinda wanted us to stay in and explore each other "
"damn babe that does sound good"

I yawn and Shaun picks me up he carries me down stairs and sets me on the counter he starts cooking and moving around the kitchen the phone rings and I got up to get it

I answer the phone

"Good evening maman I work for social services may I please speak to amber witburd"

"This is her what do you need"

" well we believe to have found your sister and we would like for you to come to the station and identify her"

"Of coarse can I come now"


"Thank you" I put the phone on the hook and run to the kitchen "Shaun Shaun I have to go to the police station like now"

"Why "

"They think they found my baby sister"


"Oh yeah you don't know about her well she should be 4 almost 5 and when she was two my mom dad and me went to my dance competition and we left her home with a babysitter and when we got home here was a letter saying she took my baby sister and I haven't seen her since"

"Well let's go get her"

He grabbbs his truck keys and we dash to The car and drive quickly to the station we das out of the car and inside I get to the front desk and say "hi my name is amber witburd I was called to come here"

"Follow me" the young lady says and leads me and Shaun to a small office

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