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"will you move in with me and katlyin"
"okay i dont want to go back to shauns anyway"
"well we move into the new place in a day and were going furniture shopping tomorrow so were ganna need some help cause im not suposed to lift anything heavey"
"how big is it"
"4 bed 2 1\2 bath"
we sit here then katlyin comes in saying shes tired so shell picks her up and takes her to the truck i grab my purse say good bye and head outside and see shelby straping katlyin in her car seat shelby hops in her car and i get in the drivers seat and buckle up and drive to the hotel with her following me we get to the hotel and go to the room i put katlyin to bed and sit on the couch with my laptop and shelby sits in a chair reading a book
"What you reading "
" How to get your brother to sober up and get back with your bff "
"Theres a book on that?"
"Yes yes there is" she says sarcasticly
"Well your brother should sober up and realize what he did then she might consider having him back"
"That can be aranged"
*******SHELBYS POV******
I need to call caleb

Hey hope yall like it so will they get back together next chapter switches from shaun to shelby to caleb constantly
Love yall

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