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"now what did shaun do to you" caleb asks
"well shell had a flashback and was going to leave i was trying to get her to stay and shaun was drinking he he yelled at me to leave forever i packed up my truck with me and katlyins things and gave shll the ring and left the he called told me to abort the babies and he hit his sister so thats what thaat dude did"
"i can explain the abortion thing" caleb says sorrowly
"he told me if he ever screwed up big time and he had a prego girlfreind or wife or fiance or fuck buddie than he would request an abortion so that they wouldnt know how he screwed up big time"
i sit there speachless then i grab my i pod and spare dance clothes i change intto my dance chlothes and plug my ipod into the speaker system in one of the studios
when the music starts its as if the music flows through me and i begin to move and glide across the floor i move to the beat and i soon tire out and see kat in the door frame
"do you remmember one of our main dancersgot prehgnant and she was 9 months and still dancing heck it was right after a performance her water broke"
"yeah i remember" i plop down on the floor and start to think again i get all m thoughts ordered and look at the clock
"9 allready"
"yeah when do you move in"
"so a day"
"wanna get furniture tomorrow"
"please and i gatta call shell"
"no need" shelby says and wallks in
"what you doing here"
"well i teach here plus i saw your car when i went to the bakery"
"hey i have a question"
"will you move in with me and katlyin"
so will she move in
love yall

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