did he?

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"did he rrape me"
the simple question stunned shaun as i sat there waiting for an answer he sat straight up back perfuctly straight like a pin and a litle crease in his forehead
tears started to well up in my eyes and one tear fell from my eye
"because if he did they couuld be his kids and if he didnt than theyre yours"
i saw the understanding look on his face as soon as the words left my mouth
"listen to me amber no matter what he did or didnt do they are my kids they will never be his kids i will be there to watch them grow up i will be there to walk my hopefully daughters down the isle i will be there by your side no matter what so they will always be my kids"
the look of pure absolute lobve in his eyesmelts my heart i start to cry and he pulls me in close
"you still didnt answer" i mumble into his warm chest"
"why do you need the answer so bad" he asked
his eyes looked so worried and you could seethe tracks the tears made on his face
"because i need to know what happened to me"
he looked away from me at te wall
"im sorry"
"just answer the question"
"ok he..........."
oh did he rape her ha ha ha only i know

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