flashback part3

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"we had just avoided a crash with another car and we went off road and we slide into a forest and hit tree after tree and mom threw herself over me but my door got ripped off and a tree brach impaled my side and enteered my lung but mom kept wispering i wwas ok and that wed be fine that no matter what wed be ok then the car kept rolling and wwe hit a big treeand the winsheild sharrered over mom and she was bleeding so bad i tryed to help i was the one who cled 911 when the windsheild boke i could barley move letalone wisper but i managed to i tld her where we were and she helped my breathe and stay still till they got there and as for mom shes prbably in a shockd state i mean she tryed to protect hr daughter but had to watch her get impalled"
"for a litle kid you know alot"
"oh please im not little im 15"
that man came back and questioned me everyday until my mom woke up then hed question her the nxt year as my lungs recovered my mom slowly died and my father became more aggressive telling me id killed my mother she died the day after my 16h birthday that was the first time of many that my father and exboyfreind beat me

back to reality
"what are you doing here"
"whats so wrong wih working one last case? im just messin with ya my wifes in the hospital and some doctor asked if i remembered ya and i said of coaurse so i thought id come check on ya"
"well im doing ok i guess they found her took em almost 3 years but they did"
"great how those lungs of yours"
"theyre good"
"good now whos that boy sleeping nex to ya"
"my boyfreind"
"good you found somebody rto love i have to go be good"
"ok bye"
he leaves the room and shaun wakes up looking pissed
"who was that man amber are you cheating on me"
oooohhhhhh whats wrong with shaun ?
so i have this idea i need you o comment on it so in the next few chapters either amber looses the babys or shan porposes or both so comment what you think
love yall thans for reading

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