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the gun shot rang out clearly and i watched as shaun fell to the floor blood rushing from his arm then i saw the knife cut my sisters throat a little and another gunshot rang out and his body slumped against the window the police rushed up the stairs shoutting put your guns on the ground i fell to the ground shaking in utter shock of what just happened i start to hear yelling and soon black spots cover my vison and i lay on the ground passed out
hours latter i wake up in a hospital room by myself and i start to panick a woman in a white coat enters the room
"hi amber im your doctor how do you feel"
"wheres shaun and katyin"
"hey calm down there fine there being traeted i need to make sure your ok before you see them okay can you help me dio that"
"ok as long as theyre okay"
"ok so how do you feel"
"im okay i dont feel he best but i dont feel the worst"
"okay does anyhing hurt"
"okay now im going to ask you personal questtions because your boyfreind said youve been throwing up the last week ok"
"so i know this is personal but when was your last period"
"it was spose to be last week"
"ok have you been sexualy active in the last 3 weeks"
"ok well i think you passed out from shock and also i think i may know the reason youve been sick so i know its weired but im going to need a blood sample and a urine sample"
"then after i have the samples ill let your boyfriend and your sister in to see you"
"okay thank you"
"no problem and by the way you saved there lives"
"calling and staying sumwhat calm the kidnapper pulled out a gun and shot shaun hen you grabbed the gun and shot him you saved them"
she leaves the room and a nice nurse comes in and gets the samples then a few minutes later shaun and katlyin enter the room i start sobbing as soon as i see the bandage on katlyins neck and the wrpping on shauns arm katlyin rushes over to me and says
"sissy no cry"
i try to smile through the tears but its so hard and shauns not helping hes just standing there and hat makes it worse soon hes broken out of his trance by my never ending sobs and he rushes over to me and puts katlyin on the bed and holds me while i cry
"shhhhh babe your okay you saved us were fine were right here were never ganna leave you shhh your ok "
once my crying dies down he says
"so when can i bust you out of here"
"when the tests are done"
"what are they doing tests for"
"i dont know but you told the doctor about my throwing up and so she asked personal questions and went to do abunch of tests"
"oh ok you feel ok"
"no i want to go home i dont want to be here and i dont want you guys to be hurt and i want to be in bed and i dont want to deel with all this"
"oh i know babe i know i want to go home to and i want us to be a happy small little family and only have to worry about each other"
hours later
theres a knock on the door and my doctor enters
"so i have your test results"
"and can i go home now"
"not yet once im finished ill explain"
"ok continue"
"ok so your results are back and it turns out your ...

hahahahaha another cliff hanger so whats it going to be hmmmmmmmmmm
well anyways hope your loving the story plz comment
btw that pic is shaun

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