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i start panicking i see myself on the table 'whats going on why am i not in my body' then my life flashes before my eyes and my mom is standing innfront of me
"its your choice sweetie you choose come with me or go back to the living just know your father and trashie boyfreind are in jail"
"im going back i have to see who saved me" "ok goodbye sweetie"


i wake up and my head is killing me i see some boy sitting by my bed he had black hair and snake bites and blue eyes an an emo style haircut he hands me a glass of water i sip it
"who are you" i say
when the glass parts from my chaped lips
"shaun i uh... i was the one who found you and turned those creeps in whats your name"
"well amber im new in town i moved here after my mom got arested so i live alone cause my little sister lives wih her best freind"
"well i guess i do to my mum is dead an my dad is in jail" "well how old are you"
"17 you"

a doctor walks in and starts checking my vital signs and other things
"so miss amber i want to send you home but there's no one to take care of you" he says
"i can take care of her she can come live with me i have pleanty of space only if shes willing of course"shaun says the doctor and shaun both look at me
"so amber do you want to"
"as long as im not imposing id hate to impose on you"
"its no problem at all i have plenty of space"
"ok well come with me and we will go through her discharge papers and a lady will be in in a minute with a pair of clothes for you to change into"
"ok thank you"i say
shaun and the docttor leave and a few minutes latter a lady came in with all of my stuff which wasent much thanks to my drug addict dad
"here you are have a pleasent day"
"thanks" i say
before she leaves the room.

i get dressed and get ready to leave and once im ready shaun comees back and he grabs my bag and my skateboard
"so all i have is my bike do you have vehical"
"yeah my truck its probably still at the school"
"ok well lets go get it and then well head to my house" "thanks for takin me in by the way i think you should know im a billionare only because my mother and fathers company and i sold it after she died and im going to sell my old house im the only person besides my father left in my famly"
"well you shold knoow that im also a billionare i bought a company like two years ago off some girl and its going realy well plus my inhertance from my grandparents and my father"
we walked to the parking lot after our little finance discussion we got onto his motorcycle and road tto the school and i quickly pulled out my keys and he loaded his bike on the back and takes the keys from me
"the doc said you shouldnt drive just yet"
i sigh and get in the passenger seat and he starts driving to his place we pull into a long drive way that snakes through the forest we pull up to this huge house it is grey and has a wrap aroud porch and it looks to be about 3 stories tall and has balconies and bench seats he lead me out of the truck him with my megear possestions he lead me up the porch steps and through the house to a bed room
"you can have this room if you want or any room but mines right across the hall so i thought this one woud be best"
"its perfuct" i say
as i glance around the room it has a king size bed an a bench seat and a small balcony
"well ima go down to cook ill let yyou know when dinners ready "
"and by the way i know" ...........


an; ok so howd yall like this chapter i tried to make it long an sorry bout not updating sooner ive been kinda busy s let me know what you think kik or pm me

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