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"and with the babies its an added risk"
"oh ok"
"so i will give you informatin on obgyns when you check out on sunday"
my mind goes into overdrive whos is it she didnt tell me how far along i am but still whos baby is it is it shauns or
my exs we never had sex unless he raped me but it cannt be his i had mmy period before shaun and i slept together right
shaun sees the distressed look on my face and the dooctor leaves and then he pulls out his phone and calls someone
"hey dude im at the hospital can you come down here real quick to do me a favoroh and bring a little kid book"
"ok bye"
he shuts down he phone and looks at katyin
"my little sister is ganna comewatch you for a little bit"
"ok "
while they talk i look over shaun and see his slightly muscular body towering over my lanky little sister i admire the way he speaks to he and the wayhis snake bites move as he talks and the way he moves his hair every few seconds and hiss swet bright blue eyes the way theyve brightened since weve brought katlyin in the house
i must have been out a while because theres a knock on the door and shaun answers it and its a lanky black haired blue eyed girl a little bit shorter than shaun and could see the sad expression on her face till she saw shaun
"big bro where you been hiding"
"no where but come here i want you to meet new pepole shell this i amber my gilfreind and her little sister katlyin"
she walks over to my bed
"hi im shelby nice to meet you ive heard alot about you"
"you to"
shau interupts
"so shellbell i need you to watch katlyin for a little while while i talk to amber"
"ok we will be in the hall reading "
shelby and kalyin leave the room and shaun looks at me
"i couldnt protect you and katlyin" he wispers
he looks so broken unlike a minute ago where he was fine now hess a broken version of himself i motion him forward and he comes and sits on my bed and i hold him as the sobs shake his body
about ten minutes later when he stops sobbing i look him in the eye and ask
"did my ex rape me"...........
oh another plot twist i kinda like this one hmmmmmm when will we know the truth?

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