new home

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im awoken by the sun streaming through the window i look arround and instantly remember what took place i egt up and walk down the stairs to the kitchen and see shaun in pajama pants cooking
"goodmorning watch ya doin"
"mornin an cookin" he says
he turns twards me and i see the scars all over his body and a few new cuts my eyes start to water looking at him he sees a tear fall and comes over wipes away the tear and pulls me into a hug
"dont cry darlin your to pretty to cry"

"im not pretty im a catastrophy"
"so am i"
"so whats on the agnda for today"
"explore the house and go shoping"
he hands me a plate of pancakes and we sit and eat then he motions for me to follow him and so i do i follow him through the house and we look at all the rooms then he lets me in his room he hands me a dress
"you can wear this till we get you clothes"
"whose is it "
"my moms"
he pulls out jeans an a shirt and starts tward the door "ima take a shower"
he leaves then i go to my room i stair at the dress its black and lacey but casuual i put it on and it hangs in just the right places i put on my boots and grab my bag and meet shaun in the kitchen

we get in my truck and he drives us to the mall
"so where to"
"i dont know but ill need your opinion"
"i dont know about that im pretty sure youll look good in anything"
"why do you say that"
"cause i like you"
"why the hell havent you asked me out yet"
"i was to scared"
"fine will you be mine"
"hell yes"
"then come on"

we walk in the mall and go to various stores and we get various things that we need for the house

after we are done shopping we go home and i put all my stuff i my room thers a knock on the door so i go to answer it i open up the door
"who are you " i ask
the boy i dont recognize
"your broher"...............


an sorry i havent updated in a while ive been kinda busy an have had alot happen to me well thanks for reading plz put possitive comments

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