wedding plans

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we open the door and see shaun carrying katlyin on his back around the yard
"see hes fine he doesnt hate you"
"are are you sure"
"yes im sure"
shaun sees me and waves but he comes closer and sees the tears and he slings katlyin into his arms and rushes to me
"you you didnt pick up your phone and i thought you left or that you hated me"
"id never ever hate you and id never leave any of you"
he puts his arm around me and helps me up the stairs he takes me to our room and gets me settled in bed then he plops down next to me and katlyin starts giggling and shaun looks around for shelby
"shell ....... shell where are you"
theres no answer so shaun lets go of katlyin and says
"stay here no matter what stay here"
he kisses my forehead and gets off the bed and he ventures into the hall
***********shauns pov********************
i go into the hall and start to look for shelby i fear shes having another flashback and those are never good i look around and dont see her so i go down the stairs i find her huddled in a corner crying
"oh shell" i say
she looks panicked and scared this one must have been really bad
"shhh shell its ok im not ganna hurt you its just me shaun"
i hear footsteps commimg down the stairs
"amber i said stay......."
my voice cuts off as i see amber clutching her stomach groaning in pain
so yep hope this one was good im kinda mad cause im not allowed to talk till this afternoon due to the fact that my ex got me sick i think plus i have a chours conert tonight so yay

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