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"hey amber right your shauns girl" shauns best freind caleb says
"not anymore he he ah broke it off"
"aww thats to bad"
"yeah well im here to see mr.bennettt about a house"
"thatd be me"
"follow me"
i follow behind him to the house across the street than we walk into the huge spacious house caleb shows me around
"caleb i love it ill take it"
"great well go downstairs and do the paperwork then howbout you come to lunch with me and my boyfreind chase"
"ok thanks"
we go down stairs and we go into his office and i sign some papers he does a quick background check i write him two checks one for first months rent and utilities and the second for the security deposit
"ok you can move in on monday afternoon we will do a walk through when you get here then itll be all yours"
"thanks caleb i needed good news with everything thats happened"
"no problem"
the door opens and a female walks in
"hey caleb chase is here and its your leaving time"
"thanks beth"
"no prob"
she says and leaves i get up and so does caleb i head out front of the building and see a dude standing outside caleb runs after me
"come here you have to meet chase first"
we walk over to the duude and i servay him hes smoking a cigarette and he has on black jeans and a bvb shirt
"amber meet chase case meet amber"
i start coughing real ba and try to walk away so i can breathe but caleb trys to pull me back i break away and get to the side of the building and try to breahe caleb runs over
"whats wrong" he asks
"allergic to cigerette smoke plus dont want babies to have breathing problems"
he looks at me strange
"babies" he questions
"im 3 mounths prego with shauns kids"
"kids as in more than one"
"yep kids as in four little babies in my belly"
"four!"he shouts
"well he has super sperm"
he runs over to chase to explain and he emidiatly puts out the cigurette
they run back to me and chase speaks first
"im so sorry about that ive been trying to quit for a mounth an now im down to one a day"
"its ok trust me"
"well where shall we go for lunch miss prego" chase says
"caleb did you tell him"
"nope he didnt im a obgyn and by th looks of it your 20 weeks"
"nope 3 mounths with four"
"super sperm"
"so where to"
"follow me"
yay its moms day i wish any moms that are reading happy moms day
so where shall they go
love yall

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