♥Sυrρrιsεs♥Valentine Special (Yandere! England x Reader)

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Most people update BEFORE Valentine's Day but I'm not most people lol #Uniquelyweird

Anyway, expect some one shot surprisessss as well haha


3 beautifully adorable, blissful years of love.

3 sweet, playful years filled with pranks, tsundere-ness and romance.

3 years of being in love.

With Arthur Kirkland, the best lover you could ask for.

And he was ready to take it to the next level (A/N Don't be dirty-minded, you pervs xD)

1st Surprise

A string of colourful words resonate throughout the tiny household.

"Bloody hell!!!"

You wake up to the smell of something burning and scrunch your nose in disgust.

You follow the source of the gag-worthy smell and lean against the doorframe of your kitchen, laughing at your adorable boyfriend's epic fail.

He is coughing as the thick black smoke envelopes him and he feebly attempts to fan away the smog.

Your sweet laughter suddenly fills his ears and he turns around, embarrassed. "(Y/N), love, when did you wake up? I was, um, trying to make breakfast for us but you see...I uh..."

Arthur trails off, a pink tint covering his cheeks.

"So what happened? Did you burn porridge? Carbonize the cinnamon rolls?"

His silence is enough proof and you chuckle heartily.

"Happy Valentine's Day anyway, Arthur!"

You peck him on the lips and he smiles against them.

"Happy Valentines day to you too, poppet."

"So why were you trying to cook? We both know you're not very er...skilled in that particular area."

You ask, frying the sausages Ludwig had given the two of you as a gift a few months back.

"I, ah, was trying to be a good  boyfriend and decided to surprise you but as you see..." Arthur trails off and the sound of him setting the tableware is all that can be heard.

"So I didn't get my surprise?" You pout cutely and he coughs awkwardly, trying not to fall for your adorable face.

"There are more."  A Cheshire cat's grin makes its way onto his face.

"More, darling."

2nd Surprise

After a large breakfast consisting of sausages, eggs and jam on toast accompanied with tea, you two decide to just have a lazy day at home.

"Arthur darling, what do you want to watch?" You ask, snacks and goodies littering the space around you.

England grunts and merely pulls the blanket over the two of you. His arm snakes around your waist and pulls you closer to him.

You are engulfed in his delicious body warmth and smile contentedly, nuzzling into his chest.

He pushes a random DVD into the DVD player and you gasp when you see the very first photograph Arthur and you took together.

The two of you are staring shyly into each other's eyes.

The other photos show your time together and you both smile softly, reminiscing.

3rd Surprise

After that, Arthur shoos you off to take a bath while he sets up a romantic candlelight dinner for the two of you.

After a long, relaxing soak in the bath, you return to the bedroom the two of you share only to find a (Favorite Color) (Favorite design) dress that you've had your eye on for a while.

"My Valentine's present? Oh love..." You whisper and caress the soft material of the dress, wishing that your Valentine's gift for him was  little more extravagant.

He really is a sweetheart.

You walk into the living room, wearing the dress, wanting to thank your boyfriend. But then your jaw drops.

The living room, which is decorated with millions of twinkling fairy lights glows softly.

You take in the gorgeousness of it all, mouth slightly open. But then something else catches your attention entirely.

In the midst of it all, is Arthur in a suit, holding a small velvet box in his hands.

The moment he sees you, he clears his throat, and his emerald hues begin to light up with something you couldn't place your finger on.

When you approach him tentatively, he gets on one knee and stares up at you expectantly.

"(Full Name), you've been with me for over 3 years--1095 days and counting!-- and I think I'm ready to take this further with you."

Arthur gulps for breath ; he probably hasn't been this straight forward before.

"I love everything about you ; your endearing quirks; your breathtaking smile ; the way you say my name and

so much more. (Y/N), you are the love of my life, and I cannot imagine my life without you."

Arthur flips open the box, and a 24 carat  diamond ring gleams among its seat in the velvet seat.

"Will you stay with me forever by marrying me?"

"Y-yes. Oh God, yes, Arthur! I love you!"

You cradle his face and kiss him passionately when he pulls away and looks at you with a sinister glint in his emerald hues.

He puts the ring on and then wraps an arm around your slender waist.

"(Y/N) Kirkland, are you ready for the last surprise?"

You blush at his calling of your name and nod.

Arthur kisses you but you taste something, strong poison, go down your throat and you  choke.


"My last surprise? We'll be together forever, engaged happily."

Says Arthur, having swallowed the poison as well, tenderly brushing your loose strands of hair away.

" 'Til death do us part'  It's such a short time, we should be together for an infinity."

Black clouds your vision and your breathing ceases before you hear him murmur in his last breath.

"See you soon, love."


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