| before i go | yandere! sasuke x reader

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Yes, I got inspired by Lana Del Ray's Summertime Sadness, even though this is set in spring lol. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Requested by @aimnoc

Kiss me hard before you go

I just wanted you to know

That baby, you're the best


"Sasuke, don't do this..."

You plead, backing away, only to trip over Naruto's gory corpse. His dull cobalt eyes stare into your own ones, making bile rise up at the back of your throat.

"Oh God!"

"You can't escape from me, (Y/N)," Sasuke pulls you up by your (H/C) hair and scans your pretty yet terrified face carefully before smashing his mouth onto your own pale ones.

"I want you to be happy before I go."

Soon, your memories are nothing but a clean slate.

The sakura petal falls onto your outstretched palm and you stare at it curiously.

"It's a sakura blossom," A husky voice from near your ear says.


"Yes," Sasuke stares into your dull eyes and remembers Sakura's own blank green ones before he brutally murdered her.

He places the flower behind your ear and smiles.

"You're beautiful."

You beam at him and he smirks back sinisterly.

"More are falling!" You cry in amazement.

You get to your feet and your yukata swirls in the wind as you try to catch the delicately falling blossoms, giggling as you did so.

The pale pink petals land on your face as you fell back with a flop! on the soft green grass. You close your eyes and hum in contentment.

His arms encircle your waist and he blows wind into your ear, making you squirm like a toddler, but gleefully.

"I just want you to be happy before you go."

His Chidori yams directly into your heart and blood trickles out of your still smiling mouth.

"Goodbye, my love."

Sasuke kisses your rapidly cooling forehead and then walks away, never looking back.


I'm on fire, I feel it everywhere

Nothing scares me anymore

OUR DARK DESTINY. yandere one shots {REQUESTS CLOSED}Where stories live. Discover now