| eternal dream | yandere! shikamaru x reader

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the song is Eternity by VIXX

You're not here but everything is the same

A cruel night is endlessly nearing towards me

"Shika-kun!" You yell happily at the distant figure, and it stops.

"Hey," Shikamaru greets you casually but you can feel that something is off. The usually lazy look in his eyes is replaced by something sinister.

Suddenly, you are restrained by some invisible force, and in horror, you look up at your long haired boyfriend.

He has froze you so you are unmoving, and is copying his actions instead.

"Shika," You sob, as he nears you, making you walk towards him as well. "What are you doing?"

"I'm sorry I have to do this, (Y/N)," He says regretfully, but continues nonetheless.

"I'm afraid I might lose you forever,"

"W-what?" You cry, struggling. "But you're the genius,aren't you? And this doesn't even need a genius to figure out how much I love and cherish you!"

He falters for a while and frowns, thinking deeply.

Then he releases his jutsu, and stabs a kunai into you, making you unconscious.


You bolt up from your sleep. As you yell, you realize beads of perspiration are forming on your face, and you shakily reach for the cold bottle of water you always keep near your bedstead.

"Here," It is handed out to you, and without questioning it, you take it and gulp it greedily. Then your eyes widen.

"Shika-kun? What are you doing here?"

"Never mind that, what happened?" Shikamaru asks worriedly and pushes the sweaty hair out of your face.

"I-I had a nightmare," You begin "You went crazy and then started sprouting some nonsense about how you were afraid you might lose me, and then you-"

The events of earlier come rushing back to you and your sense of doom returns as well.

"Oh no."

"Oh yes," Shikamaru chuckles delightedly and kisses your trembling hand.

"This is an eternal dream."

I close my eyes again, taking me back to that dream

Into an eternal dream that I won't ever wake up from

OUR DARK DESTINY. yandere one shots {REQUESTS CLOSED}Where stories live. Discover now