| treasures | yandere!franken stein x reader

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Requested by @AzrealPhantom


The silver haired madman chuckles at the sight of you chained in your chair. "Oh dear [Name], you look so beautiful in submission."

You glare at him. Your bangs fall over your forehead and you are glad you have to look at him no longer.

"Come on, [Name], don't be like that."

Stein tilts your chin up, making you look into his grass green orbs, much to your displeasure.

"I wonder what goes in that mind of yours..." He cocks his head slightly.

"Fuck you." You spit out. "Madman!"

He goes rigid and turns around, a mad smile on his face. (A/N Just imagine him with Jeff the Killer's smile. Yikes)

"[Name], I thought we had learned our lesson?"

Stein motions to the gauged out (E/C) eyeball, the mangled messes of limbs staining his desk a garish red.

You look down at your missing body parts through your one remaining eye and stay silent.

"Well, time to find out!" He takes your silence as submission.

Stein carries your frail figure over to an operating table.

He whispers "Aishteru" and then injects a needle into your forearm.

"Goodbye, [Name]."

Maka watches Stein curiously.

"Professor, what is that? Are we dissecting those?" She asks, pointing to lots of jars which seemed to be filled with human body parts.

"Hm? Oh, these? Those are the organs that we will be dissecting today. I had gone to great lengths to obtain these--treasures, you know." His tone takes on a sinister lilt.

No one notices except Maka.

"How odd," She muses, among the throngs of grumbling students.

"That eyeball looks suspiciously like Professor [Name]'s pretty eyes."


OUR DARK DESTINY. yandere one shots {REQUESTS CLOSED}Where stories live. Discover now