| broken promises | yandere!hikaru x reader

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Requestes by @Tweekchan and @TheBlueRose12


Hikaru walks in with a smug smile on his face, evil thoughts swarming his mind.

You look up to see him looming over you.

"Oh hello Hikaru," You say mildly. "Where are the others? Where's Kaoru?"

"Wouldn't you like to know~?"

"Huh?" You scrunch your face in confusion.

He presses a kiss to your cheek, which turns fifty shades of red.

"Come with me. I have something to show you."

Hikaru pulls you to your feet, and tilts your chin up. "Look at the ceiling~"

You do as he said and then scream loudly.

All the Host Club members, even Haruhi, are dangling from the ceiling, bound and gagged.

"[Name]! Help us!" Tamaki screeches through the gag, and everyone has a terrified look on their faces, even the usually calm Kyoya.

"Oh shut up!" Hikaru snaps and then pulls a thin metal string. Tamaki's head tumbles onto the tiled floor.

You are dumbstruck. "S-Sempai.."

"SHUT IT!" Hikaru roars, as the members gasp in horror. "Or do I need to kill more people?"

"W-why are you doing this?" You whisper, noting the iron grip of Hikaru's on your wrist.

"It's because I love you! But you were falling for my twin, and who knows, you could have fallen for any of them too!" He gestures wildly to the people dangling from the ceiling.

"Where's Kaoru?" Fear tugs at your heart.

"He's safe for now." Hikaru's tone is icy cold, his emotions bottled up.

Hikaru frowns, in deep thought, staring at the remains of Tamaki.

After a tense silence, Hikaru stares into your (E/C) orbs and smiles, a smile that could've made even the strongest quake in fear.

"If you want to save him and them--" He doesn't even bother to look in the remaining Hosts' direction. "Come with me. There's a limousine waiting outside for you."

"You promise they'll be safe?"

The side of Hikaru's mouth twitches.

"Of course~ I promise."

You comply immediately, thinking Kaoru would be there, and just wanting to escape the clutches of the evil twin.

Once [Name] is in his limousine (he checked) he chuckles, a maniacal sound, as he reaches under the couch that [Name] was sitting on before.

His younger twin's empty amber eyes and bloody heart rests in his palms.

"What are you doing? You said that if [Name] went with you, you would free Kaoru." Kyoya states, muffled.

Hikaru shrugs. "I lied?"

"You won't get away with this!" Haruhi yells.

"But I will. After all, you won't be alive no longer."

Before his words can register in their minds, their heads, like Tamaki's, fell onto the floor with sickening crunches.

Hikaru watches this in sadistic satisfaction.

When all this bloody horror is finished, he walks away,crazed laughter never ceasing.

"I guess I broke my promise, [Name]."


OUR DARK DESTINY. yandere one shots {REQUESTS CLOSED}Where stories live. Discover now