| reincarnation | yandere!spain x reader

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Requested by @Danysha_Clifford


He sits idly in a cafe, olive orbs staring at nothing in particular.

Thoughts of a certain (Eye color) eyed girl float into his mind.

He wonders when she will be back again, how will she look like, what will she be doing?

Antonio knows that those brilliant (Eye color) orbs of yours will also stay the same, along with that lovable personality of yours.

His friends tried to snap him out of it, saying that a mere mortal girl was not worth it.

He just laughed in an uncharacteristically evil way, walking over their cold corpses. (A/N IF U KNOW WHERE THIS IS FROM I WILL LOVE U 5EVERRR )

Right now, he just keeps on reliving his memories with her.

The feeling of slitting her throat, hearing her strangled cries over and over again.

"Excuse me?"

A voice brings him back to the present world.

A brunette, with your face and eyes is staring apprehensively at him.

"Hi," she says. "Do I know you from somewhere? "

"[Name]?" A grin breaks out on Antonio's handsome features.

"Uhh, no, it's [Other name]. Geez, everyone keeps mistaking me for her, whoever that is..."

"Oh, forgive me, you just looked a lot like her." Antonio stands up and shakes her petite hand.

"I'm Antonio. [Other Name], do you believe in reincarnation? "

"I guess..."

"Well then, you may not know this, but we were lovers in a past life."

Lovers for many of your past life, that is. Added Antonio silently.

And thus, the endless cycle was set in motion again. (A/N lol wut)


LOL I'm sorry if it's confusing,and sucks, it probably is, but I got inspired by the episode of Francis and Joan of Arc meeting again..

OUR DARK DESTINY. yandere one shots {REQUESTS CLOSED}Where stories live. Discover now